Let's Hike Dominica 

Bird Watching

Scots Head


Jacco Steps

Segment 5 Waitukubuli National Trail

Boeri Lake

Meet us on our Let's Hike Dominica Tour! Experience the breathtaking scenery of the island, swim under cascading waterfalls, trek through tropical rainforests & taste the flavors of Dominica Cuisine!

Roseau - Roseau, Dominica

Day 1: Arrival & Welcome Dinner

Enjoy a scenic driver around the north of the island as you are transported to your hotel. Sip on a refreshing tropical drink while you are shown to your apartment. Settle in, explore the surrounding area and prepare to meet your fellow travelers at a welcome dinner tonight 🍹

Day 2: Bird Watching, Milton Falls, Indian River

Today we will meet “THE” birding specialist guide of Dominica. Our guide will escort us into the Syndicate Preserve area of Morne Diablotin, the tallest mountain on Dominica at 4, 747 ft. You will see a wide array of buttressed trees, Anthurium plants, and colorful Orchids as we begin our journey into wild nature. Make sure to bring your binoculars so that you can spot the Sisserou Parrot or the Jacko Parrot, both endemic to Dominica. Don’t worry if you have a little trouble spotting them yourself, our guide will be sure to help you find them.  A beautiful waterfall awaits us, so take off your shoes, grab a rock and have a seat while you take in the breathtaking scenery around you. The conclusion of our day brings us to the Indian River where we will enjoy a quaint and quiet canoe ride to a Bush bar that will be serving tasty local bush rums. Choose your flavor, sit back and relax under the shade of the rainforest garden.

Day 3: Victoria Falls, Zion. Valley, Bush Medicine Tour

We will start our day a little earlier today and find ourselves in the beautiful Zion Valley of Dominica. Once we arrive, we will take a hike to the amazing Victoria Falls. After scrambling over boulders and crossing rivers, we can have a nice relaxing soak in the bright blue water pool under the Falls. Take it all in before we head back to spend the remainder of our day with the Rasta Community in Zion Valley. We will settle in for a traditional lunch before beginning our guided tour through a delightful herbal garden.Here, you will learn about traditional herbal medicines and the plants used by this community of Rasta Dominicans that live off of the land of this abundant island. 🌴

Day 4: Scotts Head, kayaking, Beach Cookout

We will begin our day with a scenic drive around the west coast to the southernmost tip of Dominica. The look out point of Scotts Head will give us surrounding views of this mountainous island and Scotts Head village. Heading back down, we will make our way over to our Kayaking destination and meet our guides for the day. Here we will take off to a private little turtle nesting spot where we will have a beach cookout to enjoy the remainder of our time in the south today. 🐡

Day 5: Segment 5, Emerald Pool, Kalinago Dinner

Another early morning start bring us to the village of Ponte Casse, where we will begin our hike on Segment 5 of the Waitukubuli National Trail. We will be sure to get muddy on this trip so make sure you are prepared for a bit of rain, a bit of river crossings…and don’t wear your good shoes! Our halfway point will be stopping to see the infamous waterfall of Dominica at Emerald pool… where a seriously refreshing and rejuvenating swim awaits your arrival at this pool. Swim in the invigorating waters under the impressive 40 ft. Waterfall or relax on the deck while listening to the sounds of the forest. Be sure to check out the tropical plants in their natural habitat. Our hike continues as we get to see some sights along the next portion of our journey, Jaco Cave, Carib Trace, L’or River and Savanne David. We will end our day with a tasty traditional dinner at a Kalinago restaurant located within the Kalinago Territory, Salybia. 🌺

Day 6: Whale Watching, TiTou Gorge, Boeri Lake

Today we spot whales and Dolphins! Sperm Whales reside off Dominica shores all year long. Trained and Certified guides will take us into the ocean on their charter boat. There is a super high chance of seeing these magnificent ocean mammals, but in the event that we do not, pods of Dolphins are high up on the list for spotting. After our ocean excursion, we will travel up Morne Trois Piton to Boeri Lake. We will travel through montane and cloud forest to get to this magnificent and peacefully zen lake that is in an actual crater of an old volcano. Try to spot all of the different flora and fauna of this magical land set back in time on our journey to this freshwater lake, located at 2,800 feet in elevation. Next, we will be making a stop at TiTou gorge, where you will get a a chance to swim in the same location where part of Pirates of the Caribbean, Dead Man’s Chest, was filmed.

Day 7: Canyoning, Sulfur Pools, Trafalgar Falls

Caves & Canyons today!  Canyoning Professionals will guide you as you descend through the gorges of this Island.  Invoke your inner explorer as you find hidden waterfalls and crystal-clear pools, then… jump right in! Following our cave experience, we will breach the sunlight again on our way to the hot sulfur pools. This is your chance to taste the locally made bush rum flavors or grab a nice cool beverage before soaking those tired muscles of yours. These are some of the best healing mineral waters given to us by the geothermal activity of Dominica. Our next stop will be at Trafalgar Falls, known as the mother and father falls of Dominica. Take your flip flops off and dip your toes in the refreshingly cool water coming down from the falls. Since we are nearing the end of our trip, be sure to pick up some souvenirs to take home to your friends and family! 🦜

Day 8: Jaco Steps, Batibou Beach, Sunset Cruise

Departing the hotel this morning we will travel along the north-east coast to a village named Bells. Once there, we will embark on a very important, but relatively shorter hike through Jaco Steps. This historic and secluded location is named after an important man named Jaco. He was an escaped slave, also known as a maroon, that also helped plan and pave the way for other slave escapes and revolts against the British troops in the mid eighteenth century. This land hike will conclude at the base of the steps and start your river hike, so don’t be afraid to get wet, go for a swim, sip on a local Kubuli beer and take in the peaceful surrounding before we begin our river hike back to our transport vehicle. Our day concludes with an awesome sunset cruise aboard a charter boat where you can just relax and enjoy the salty air and the nice Caribbean vibes! ☀️

Day 9: Horseback Riding, Bwa Nef Falls, Farewell Dinner

Our Morning will begin with mounting our horses and going for a ride in Prince Rupert Bay where you will enjoy the warm tropical ocean waters and the peaceful scenic views surrounding this part of the island. Next, we can wash off the salt water after our hike to Bwa Nef Falls. On our way back to our hotel, we will stop for some exclusive and scenic picture worthy spots. Back at the hotel, you will have a little time to yourself before our farewell dinner. 🇩🇲

Day 10: Departures

Today concludes our tour 🥲 but hopefully you come back soon to enjoy another one of our tours!


Melville Hall (Douglas-Charles Airport)

Ferry Terminal (Roseau or Portsmouth)

We will send you a packing list upon request

Airport and ferry transfers to and from hotel

8 breakfasts/ 4 lunches/ 7 dinners

Entrance fees listed in itinerary

Activity fees listed in itinerary

Site passes listed in itinerary

Tour guides for activities listed in itinerary

Hotel accommodations

Transportation to activities listed in itinerary

On-site tour manager


Airfare/ ferry fare to or from Dominica

4 lunches/ 2 dinners

Transportation to activities not listed in itinerary

Personal use items

Activities not listed in itinerary

Fees not listed in itinerary

Transportation to night activities of your choice

Departure tax required at airport and ferry terminal

Travel Insurance



Changes by Participants

Since changes are considered canceled services, additional cancellation penalties may apply. Changes are subject to additional hotel charges based on availability and may incur additional fees. Changes to airfare are subject to the carrier’s Terms and Conditions and are not the obligation of FFCT. 


If you are unable to complete the tour due to an inability to maintain the speed necessary to keep up with the tour group of participants, or due to any physical limitation, there shall be no refunds owed if you are unable or prevented from completing the tour. 



As described above, FFCT is required to pay certain suppliers well in advance of your tour date.  This includes but is not limited to hotel accommodations, meals, entrance fees, transportation, etc. All suppliers have their own cancellation policies, which apply to your booking.  Should a cancellation become necessary, please inform FFCT immediately in writing and request a written confirmation of your cancellation. Upon receipt, FFCT will follow industry procedures for any applicable refunds as outlined in the supplier’s terms and conditions and subject to their review.  If you are entitled to a refund, please note that the supplier is responsible for this refund, not FFCT.  Likewise, we are not responsible for a supplier’s failure to pay a refund, their insolvency or bankruptcy. 


In addition to the terms of our suppliers, refunds for any monies paid to FFCT will be refundable for cancellations per the cancellation table below, less any non-refundable payments/deposits made by FFCT to our Suppliers.  Also deducted from the net refundable amount will be any adjustments for room rate changes created by the cancellation (i.e., double to single, etc.) NO REFUNDS, for any reason will be paid for cancellations received 45 days or less from the departure date.


Since FFCT will pay certain deposits and costs to suppliers prior to the date of travel, FFCT will assess the following cancellation charges as follows:


Relevant Cancellation Times

Cancellation Charge Per Person

61+ days

100% refund, less non-refundable deposit

46 to 60 days

50% refund, less non-refundable deposit

45 days or less

No refund


If the reason for cancellation is covered under the terms of your travel protection plan you may be able to reclaim these charges, for this reason FFCT requires the purchase of a travel protection plan including additional “cancel for any reason” coverage.

Airline tickets are governed by the air carriers’ terms, and we are not responsible for any air carrier’s decision regarding refund.


Cancellation or Changes by FFCT

We reserve the right to cancel or reschedule any departure for any reason. If we cancel, except in the case of a force majeure event, we will offer alternate arrangements.  We may at our sole discretion offer travel vouchers or refunds in accordance with the cancellation schedule above.  Participants are responsible for any additional costs for air tickets or other travel arrangements not made by us.


If between planning time and/or during actual travel, circumstances require changes, FFCT and its suppliers, reserve the right to cancel or vary any itinerary and substitute components of any tour, including but not limited to hotels and accommodations of comparable quality, if air schedule or surface transportation charges, security matters, and/or other events make such alterations necessary. Suppliers may substitute transportation equipment depending on any variety of factors, including the volume of passengers on the tour. FFCT cannot be held responsible for any closures, necessary itinerary changes, or curtails for any reason. These changes will not be considered material changes and will not be considered cause for cancellation by the participant. Normal cancellation penalties still apply to the tour that has been changed.


NO REFUND FOR UNUSED ARRANGEMENTS.  As FFCT prices are based on contract rates, there will not be any refund for any unused portion of a travel booking. If you cancel while the tour is in progress, there is no refund for the unused portion.


Select a Date

  Available     Full     Unavailable
Roseau, Dominica